Lalakoi Web Design, Taking You Places

Lalakoi Web Hosting  Provides the Technologies and Services Needed for Your Website to Be Viewed On the Internet With Reputable Servers.


Website Hosting

Lalakoi Web Design, Taking You Places

Lalakoi Web Hosting provides the technologies and services needed for your website to be viewed on the Internet. Websites are hosted, or stored, on special platforms called servers. If you do not have a domain Lalakoi Web Hosting will help you to purchase one.

The hosting fee for a website/ blog depends on the resources a website or blog uses. In short: how many visits you get and how much downloads are done from your site. To start with the Small Business Package will be sufficient for at least the first year. If traffic to your site increases to such an extent that you need more resources Lalakoi Wed Design will notify you and we can discuss the different possibilities of upgrading your hosting package.